introducing the WT3500

Watch this video for an overview of the features…

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About WeldTech

WeldTech has released an informative demonstration video that showcases the WT3500 PTA Controller utilized in a PTA work cell application. In the video, WeldTech‘s Plasma Transferred Arc System performs welding examples for Hard Banding, Linear, Outer Diameter (OD) as well as an Inner Diameter (ID) weld where a .100 inch deposit is made in a bore opening a mere 1.5 inches in diameter.

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The WT3500 Power Supply allows any input voltage between 208~575 volts with no manual linking required.

PTA System

WeldTech‘s 3rd generation PTA Controller is the primary unit for controlling all parameters of the WT3500 system.

WT3500MD Gantry

The 3500GS is built to order for each customer per their specific requirements or application.

PTA System Applications

PTA systems have changed a bit over the years


Why are some hard-facing products limited to two or three layers?

Limited-layer products usually are in the metal carbide families, such as chromium carbide and tungsten carbide. You can apply martensitic and austenitic products in unlimited layers unless the manufacturer specifies otherwise.

The brittle nature of the metal carbides leads to check-cracking, and as multiple layers are applied, stress continues to build, concentrating at the root of the check cracks, until separation or spalling occurs between the parent metal or buffer and the hard-facing deposit.

When is a cobalt or nickel hard-facing alloy used?

Cobalt alloys contain many types of carbides and are good for severe abrasion at high temperatures. They also have good corrosion resistance for some applications. Deposit hardness ranges from 25 HRC to 55 HRC. Work-hardening alloys also are available.

Nickel-base alloys can contain chromium borides that resist abrasion. They can be good particularly in corrosive atmospheres and high temperatures when abrasion is a problem.

What type of gas is used in PTAW hard-facing?

Low penetration and dilution are the major objectives in hard-facing, so pure argon and mixtures of argon with hydrogen generally will produce the desired result.

What is meant by a buildup or buffer alloy?

These alloys often resemble the parent metal alloy and are applied to severely worn parts to bring them back to dimension or act as a buffer for subsequent layers of a more wear-resistant hard-facing deposit. If the hard-facing produces check cracks, then it’s wise to use a tough manganese product as the buffer to blunt and stop the check cracks from penetrating into the base metal

What is Hard Facing?

Metal parts often fail their intended use not because they fracture, but because they wear, which causes them to lose dimension and functionality. Hard-facing, also known as hard-surfacing, is the application of buildup or wear-resistant weld metals to a part’s surface by means of welding or joining.
