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Plasma Transfer Arc systems have changed little over the years. This is not unusual given the industry of welding and the basic principles involved. Until recently, it has been left to larger companies to lead the way in newer PTA technologies. However, a smaller talented group of Product Engineers have since forged a new path. WeldTech of Fort Mill, South Carolina has been making in-roads with exciting new advancements in Plasma Transfer Arc products while maintaining an affordable price point.
WeldTech exemplifies the best of what an industry leading company can and should be while pioneering cutting-edge PTA Technology. WeldTech takes a keen interest in the total satisfaction of each and every one of its clients. Recently during an interview regarding the PTA industry at large and the climate of competition in an ailing U.S. economy, WeldTech’s Chief Engineer shared some insights as to their methodology for
The following is an excerpt from that interview.
Business in Review: Who is WeldTech?
Chief Engineer: We are a technology driven, responsive company that has studied the best and worst that the PTA industry has offered to the market for more than twenty years. We listen closely to our customer feedback and then act on that feedback by incorporating our clients’ needs and desires into our engineering and system designs.
Business in Review: Has a slow economy hampered your sales or product design efforts?
Chief Engineer: No, not really. There is the saying “business could always be better”, however, we don’t seem to be adversely affected by the downturn. Somewhere, someone is always manufacturing, refurbishing
or repairing equipment and parts utilizing the PTA process. Since that is the case, world-class performance resulting in sometimes exponential increases in productivity is what we have continued to deliver with
our PTA3500 line of products. I don’t know of any company that isn’t interested in increasing output for larger profits. Our product line drastically improves quality and consistency, thus resulting in an increase to our clients’ bottom line day after day. It is for these reasons that the slowed economy hasn’t hampered our business.
Business in Review: Do you feel at a disadvantage due to the size of your business as compared to the scale of your competitor’s operations?
Chief Engineer: Quite the contrary. We leverage advantages that our competitors have lost over time. For example, we have maintained a very personal relationship with all of our clients and will always do so. We
respond very quickly with custom solutions that often take a long time for our competition to accomplish. We return every call each day, often within the same hour or sooner. We do not take for granted the relationships
we have with our clients; relationships are the key to success in this industry. The moment you become too comfortable or take any client for granted is when you lose their trust, loyalty and ultimately their business.
Business in Review: What are you doing that is so different in your product designs than other similar equipment manufacturers out there?
Chief Engineer: For quite some time the market has grown accustomed to a certain type of solution with little or no advancement. The Plasma Transfer Arc (PTA) systems that they have been using, although have
a tested record, are stagnant in their design without any new vision to perform differently or better. To date we are on our 3rd generation PTA controller the WT3501. Our controller design does everything an operator
expects it to but also changes things up a bit for the better. WeldTech has designed a system that has fully incorporated controls for the Oscillator and Arc Voltage Controller. Until now, these two pieces of equipment
had remained discreet standalone components with their own bulky control units. By making these two components integral to the WT3501 controller, we have not only significantly reduced the cost of owning a PTA
system, but we have been producing much higher quality and consistent welds worldwide. This design has also resulted in better overall reliability as well as added some significant features for controlling the Oscillator
and AVC through both analog and digital controls in a PLC based unit. To the best of our knowledge, we were the first to market with this concept and only now are we hearing rumor of our competitors considering
similar designs.
Business in Review: What can we look forward to in the future from WeldTech as far as innovation and new product designs?
Chief Engineer: There are still so many things we could not cover today during the time allotted for our discussion by way of features and performance of our products. As for the newer things in the pipeline, I’m not
at liberty to discuss at this time. You can be confident that what we have coming is every bit as innovative as the features our current products offer today.
Business in Review: How will you cope with success as it threatens to turn WeldTech into a bigger company like your competitors who may not be as responsive to customer needs?
Chief Engineer: We are and will always remain committed to a client-centric approach to our relationships. We simply cannot afford to compromise our core principle way of doing business since it has been the
single largest contributing factor to our growth and success. We have to look at ourselves in the mirror every day and we don’t want to see our competitors staring back at us. We will go to great lengths to always
remain grounded in sound business ethics, and of course we are also proud to say that along with our customer commitment there is also a healthy dose of pride that comes with all our products being made in the
Business in Review: This concludes the interview
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